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Sponsors make the event rock!

The Calatrava / Chords Bridge / Bridge of Strings in Jerusalem, Israel גשר המיתרים  Gesher HaMeitarim

SPONSOR The Israel Conference   :


The Israel Conference is an amazingly attended conference that takes place in Tel Aviv bringing the top companies from Israel and world-wide with their key business executives to speak and network, providing first-hand access to innovators and investors of excellent companies that are doing business in Israel.

The Israel Conference brings Israel-facing companies together to increase business and investment opportunities between Israel and the US.

SPEAKERS are CEOs and Founders selected from Israel-facing companies that do business in Israel / were founded in Israel / have R&D in Israel / or invest in Israeli companies.

ATTENDEES enjoy an excellent forum for business networking and idea exchange with the objective of exploring and creating new business while learning about the current investment market for Israel-facing businesses.  Many business executives participate and over 40% of the attendees chief executive level and 20% senior executives from publicly traded, middle market, and earlier stage firms.

The Israel Conference
provides your firm with an extraordinary opportunity to increase recognition and visibility with the thousands of companies that are reached through our marketing in print, social media, radio, direct email, and during the event where business executives come together to network and create business opportunities.

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS are designed to enhance your firm's recognition and to acknowledge your support of this unique conference. Each sponsorship level includes your company's logo and description on our website with a click-through to your website plus a spot in the Expo Pavilion of Companies .

Your sponsorship of The Israel Conference is an incredible opportunity which will provide you with direct access to the high-level attendees at this successful event that showcases Israel-facing businesses.



  • Sponsor of a Panel or Sponsor Networking + Music

  • 20 VIP Tickets

$ 6,000

Sponsor of a Panel or Sponsor Networking + Music



  • Sponsor of the Event

  • 10 VIP Tickets

$ 3,000

Sponsorship of the Event


Sponsorship benefits include:

  • A table in the Expo area / Pavilion of Companies

  • A 2 meter tall banner with your logo 

  • Prominent display of your logo on on the website with clickthrough to your website

  • Speaking from the main stage to the entire audience for a minute

  • Priority invitation code / discount for additional guests 

  • VIP guest tickets for your sponsorship level

Includes a booth in the Pavilion and the Inside Front Cover of the Conference Book, and corporate logo on conference lanyards. Includes 25 Conference tickets.

  • Overall Conference Sponsor • An opportunity to address all attendees on both days and be the main sponsor of The Israel Conference™.

Click here to be a sponsor of this dynamic conference today.

Sponsor Benefits forThe Israel Conference™include:

  • Participation in special events including an invitation for two to the exclusive VIP Sponsor / Speaker Dinner.

  • Sponsor acknowledgement with your Company Name, Corporate Logo, Company Description, and Click-Through to your website on the Conference website as well as placement on Conference materials and brochure.

  • An introduction of your firm during the Conference.

  • Sponsors are mentioned in Press Releases, articles, and also in our direct contact and Social Media campaigns that reach over 40,000 business people.

  • A priority code for invitees.

Please contact Paula Page at 310-445- 5388  / 
to discuss the sponsorship level best suited for your firm.


Add your contact information and we will include you.  

Thanks! Sent.

Join in our magic community to participate in meeting extraordinary companies and their CEOs, founders, innovators, visionaries as well as funders, angels, VCs, corporate investors, and be a part of the fabulous connections taking place both at our events and through our network. 

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Visionary and charismatic executives who are innovating the way we work and live. 
Your next deal is here!     1-310.445.5388    +1-800-508-1850

   Text to WhatsApp                     +1-310-600-6607   

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© 2008 to 2025   .  The Israel Conference   

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